Sunday, August 07, 2011

the still, soft, gentle breeze...

You whom I seek are nowhere to be found... I look above and below and You are not there. I look to my left and to my right, yet I cannot see you. I hear the crash of thunder and look... but You are not there. I see the whirlwind of a cyclone and tornado still, You are not there. In the rage of the fire I couldn't find You. I see tidal waves of destruction and still I cannot see You. I search my heart, my mind, and my soul but I am alone... You are not there. I feel myself drowning in an ocean, the waves overcoming me... I'm in despair. Where are You? And then I remember what You said... I would not find You in the fire, nor the thunder, nor the cyclone, not even in the tidal wave. No, I would find You and hear You in the still, soft, gentle breeze... but only if I sought You with all my heart and with all my strength, and with all my soul. Then You would hear my prayer, and save me.

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