This is a direct attack by Satan to undermine God's design for mankind. Once he distorted the family unit he further distorted it by promoting homosexuality and the homosexual family unit lifestyle. He is now making transgenderism, which is defined as a mental health disorder as the norm for not only adults but children as well. This is classic child abuse. However, our society is now embracing it in the name of tolerance.

God's silence is not indifference, it is MERCY. He is allowing mankind an opportunity to repent and return to Him. The United States is an anti-type of ancient Israel. And just like Israel took advantage of God's mercy so to is the United States. And just like God's mercy and patience ran out on Israel it will soon run out on this nation.
I started this entry out by speaking on our current family status and the disappearing role of the father. It is because of this that we no longer view God as our Provider who Loves us and the Disciplinarian who corrects us when we stray from His path, but as a distant, uncaring god, and some don't even believe He exists.
It is my sincere prayer that we return to God our Father and repent and beg His forgiveness for the sins we've committed against Him. He promises to hear our prayers and heal our land if we just return to Him.

How do we do this you ask? We do this individually and in our church and in our communities. We repent and then we share the amazing news of Jesus Christ with EVERYONE! We share how much He loves us and how much He want to forgive us! We do it by not compromising our values and electing God fearing men and women to office. Men and woman that will reverse laws like Roe v. Wade and other laws that dishonor God and the traditional family unit. It may seem like a huge undertaking where the odds are against us but we have One thing they dont... and ALMIGHTY GOD! AMEN???!!! AMEN!
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