Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Innocent until proven guilty?

“I will not let the Patriot Act, the most unpatriotic of acts, go unchallenged. At the very least, we should debate. We should debate whether or not we are going to relinquish our rights, or whether or not we are going to have a full and able debate over whether or not we can live within the Constitution, or whether or not we have to go around the Constitution.” ~Rand Paul - NSA Filibuster

“We have to decide whether our fear is going to get the better of us.  Once upon a time we had a standard in our country that was ‘innocent  until proven guilty.’ We’ve given up on so much. Now, people are talking  about a standard that is ‘if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing  to fear.’ Think about it. Is that the standard we’re willing to live  under?” ~Rand Paul - NSA Filibuster

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